Full Pink Moon in Libra

The Pink Moon gets its name from pink phlox wildflowers, which bloom around the time of April’s full moon in North America, in the early spring. Native American names for this moon are the Breaking Ice Moon and The Moon of the Red Grass Appearing and refer to the spring thaw and the sprouting of new growth that happens at this time of year. Globally, and throughout time, this moon – which is inextricably linked to spring - represents a time of growth and birth; of return and renewal.

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Lynsey Allett
New Moon in Aries

A new moon always marks the start of the lunar cycle, and is a time of new beginnings. Traditionally, it is a time to plant literal and metaphorical seeds. A fertile period for manifestation and for setting intentions; a time to dream into existence the life we want. A new moon in Aries, however, takes this inception energy and supercharges it to the max. Aries, as the boldest first sign (the beginning) of the zodiac, is all about this energy of initiation and creativity. Its energy is primal; a Big Bang energy.

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Lynsey Allett
Full Moon in Virgo

Full moons are the climax of the lunar cycle. They are time for release and skin shedding. This Full Moon in Virgo is particularly potent, as it is marking not only the end of the Western astrological year, but also the closing out of a journey, which began with a new moon in Virgo back in September 2020. Think back to anything you initiated around this time - relationships, projects, important conversations - as this full moon in Virgo may bring these things, and the emotions surrounding them, back around, as they may not have been fully processed at the time. It’s time to let go.

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Lynsey Allett
Full moon in Leo

Full and new moons are a potent reminder of how deeply we are connected to the rhythms and cycles of our planet, and how much the moon is part of those rhythms. The moon's gravitational pull is the primary tidal force, for example. As the moon’s gravity tugs at the earth, it affects its mass. This slightly distorts the earth’s shape, so it becomes more egg-like (stretched at the equator and shortened at the poles).

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Lynsey Allett
New Moon in Aquarius

New moons are the ideal moment to step into the fresh and unfamiliar. To look into the future, divine what we want we see and who we want to be, and make intentions for creating that future: for making it manifest. To connect to our authentic selves, we need to access our inspiration and our imagination. We need to channel our inner-visionary. ⁠

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Lynsey Allett
Full Moon in Cancer

Full moons happen every 29.5 days and are a climax of light and energy. We perceive the moon as full because it is opposite the sun in its orbit around the earth meaning its sunlit side is entirely visible to us, wherever we are on the planet. Astronomers regard the moon as full it is exactly 180 degrees opposite the sun; in ecliptic longitude. For this full moon in Cancer, that is at 23.48 tonight in the UK. This full moon in Cancer is going to be very powerful for a number of reasons.

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Lynsey Allett
New Moon in Capricorn

The new moon is the start of the lunar cycle and the beginning of a new chapter. This new moon in Capricorn, occurring just the day after the Gregorian calendar shifts into 2022, is an uber-new moon. It invites us to start the freshest of new chapters and offers us a truly powerful reset.

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Lynsey Allett
Full Moon in Gemini

Full moons are the culmination of the lunar cycle and offer us the opportunity to reflect and release. As this is the final full moon of the year – and the final full moon with the north node in Gemini – this is a pivotal moment to take stock of what has happened in the last eighteen months. And, like last month’s new moon, this moon continues the theme of the reframing narratives. To paraphrase Beyoncé, we are the only ones who can “reshape our own perception of how we view ourselves.”

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Lynsey Allett
New Moon in Sagittarius Full Solar Eclipse

New moons are the start of the lunar cycle and represent the start of something new for our personal narratives. The new moon is an ideal time to check in, reassess, renew and nurture new beginnings. Astrologically speaking, solar eclipses are also about new beginnings. Big, bold beginnings, whole new chapters and surprising, swift change.

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Lynsey Allett
Full Moon in Taurus

This full moon in Taurus, with a near total lunar eclipse (97.4% of the moon’s diameter will be covered by the earth’s shadow), is a double check in point for everything that has happened over the last six months, and last eighteen months, respectively.

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Lynsey Allett
New Moon in Scorpio

The idea of shadow, and of the unseen, seems particularly pertinent in relation to this new moon in Scorpio. Hold on, it’s going to get deliciously transformative and very intimate.

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Lynsey Allett
Full Moon in Aries

The themes of this full moon in Aries follow on closely from those of the last new moon in in Libra (October 6th): the nature and dynamics of our relationships.

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Lynsey Allett
New Moon in Libra

The Libran filter of this new moon is relationships. Not only our romantic and platonic relationships to others, but our relationship to EVERYTHING.

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Neeraj Singh
Autumnal Equinox

The autumnal equinox is the first day of autumn under the astronomical calculation of the seasons. There are two equinoxes and two solstices in a year. While the solstices are about light or dark dominance; the equinoxes are about balance.

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Neeraj Singh

We have been using plants medicinally since the beginning of our time on this planet. Humans and plants have an intimate and ancient relationship…

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Neeraj Singh

As humans – whatever frequency we are vibrating at – our vibration is unstable; it is easily influenced and easily altered. Our vibration and energy shift depending on…

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Neeraj Singh