



As humans – whatever frequency we are vibrating at – our vibration is unstable; it is easily influenced and easily altered. Our vibration and energy shift depending on what we are exposed to. Love, beauty, music and sunshine can raise our vibration. However, negative interaction with other humans, too much time spent on social media and a continuing global pandemic may lower our mood, invade our thoughts and bring down our energetic vibration. Internally and individually, we shift our energy and vibration through thought: positive affirmations raise us up and negative self-talk brings us down. 

Unlike us, crystals have an extremely stable energy frequency that doesn’t change. This is because they are composed of a fixed, repeating, perfect geometric pattern of molecules, created over millennia. They are fixed and we are in flux. 

Every crystal has a different energetic frequency. Some are stimulating and some are relaxing. Size, composition and, most importantly for healing, colour (think chakras) are the factors that give individual crystals their signature frequency. Crystals conduct and absorb. Quartz is used in televisions, computers, watches and radios, for example, because of its conductive properties. These conductive and absorptive processes work on an energetic level too, and this is how we can work with crystals in a healing way.

Rose quartz is the crystal of unconditional love. It opens the heart to love and activates self-love: it conducts love. Certain crystals absorb negative energy. Black tourmaline and smoky quartz do. Black obsidian does too, by grounding us; by channeling the negative energy back into the earth. 

Because of this energetic exchange - this interactive relationship - it is really important to cleanse and charge crystals regularly. Cleansing clears the crystal of any old energetic information from us: it creates new space. Charging gives a crystal more power and can increase the intensity of the work we do with it. With all these methods, trust your intuition. Get to know your crystals and how they feel after cleansing and charging. How often should you do this? When you feel you need to. The more you work with your crystals, the more intuitively you will know.




We recommend using white sage for cleansing. While lighting your smudge stick, set a clear intention to cleanse the stone of any negativity, or emotional clutter, and bathe it in smoke. Hold the intention throughout the ritual. This method can be used with any crystals.


Make a sea salt bath in a glass bowl (if possible). Submerge the crystal and allow it to bathe for at least half an hour. If you feel the crystal needs more of a cleanse, they can stay in the bath overnight or longer. You can also place the sea salt bath in direct sunlight. This will help to cleanse, and then to charge, the stones. You can also take your crystals to the beach and cleanse them in the ocean. In fact, running water of any kind is a good cleanse for crystals. Living is best - streams or rain - but even tap can give a satisfactory temporary cleanse. This watery cleanse method is good for hard stones, such as quartz and amethyst. It is not recommended for crystals that are soft, porous, or contain trace metals, such as malachite, selenite, halite, calcite, lepidolite, and angelite.


Selenite is a self-purifying stone and, because of this, can be used to cleanse other crystals. To use it, simply place your crystals next to, and preferably touching, the selenite, and leave for a day or two. Place in sunlight to amp up the cleanse, if possible.


This is a really strong cleanse for crystals that have become energetically heavy and takes the longest of all the cleansing methods. Putting your crystals in the ground allows them to reconnect with the energy of Mother Earth. Feel how long you want to leave them there. It could be days, weeks, months or even years.




The moon is mystical and feminine in energy. It is about our inner world. Each phase of the moon has a different energy and can be used to charge your crystal. For example, the new moon has an energy of beginning; of growth. The full moon, as it is at the peak of its growth, has a waning energy. It is a time of release. We can work intuitively and intelligently with the moon’s phases and the intentions we are putting into our crystals. But the full moon remains a magical time to bathe our crystals in this most special of light. 


In contrast to the energy of the moon, the sun is masculine in energy.  An energy of action. We can use this energy to powerfully charge crystals that are not sensitive to such strong light. Leave your crystal there for as long as you feel it needs - this goes for all cleansing and charging methods - and see how it feels when you hold it in your hand again.

Crystals are of the earth, and they offer us a powerful way to connect to the energy of the earth. So, how can we work with crystals for healing and connection?


There are different ways you can meditate with crystals to amplify your practice. You can simply meditate with the crystal next to you. You can also lie down and place the crystal on your body or chakra - amethyst to optimise your third eye chakra, for example - creating a beautiful connection between chakra and stone. You can use an affirmation with a specific crystal too, which can be repeated during your practice.


Crystal jewellery can be a really easy and very supportive way to work with crystal energy. The aim is to get the crystal as close to your skin as possible and as close as to the chakra you want it to work on (if you are looking to work with a particular chakra). Above all, the most important thing is having the energy of the crystal on you and with you. Small pieces of crystal can be worn in clothing next to the skin. Your bra (if you wear one) is a perfect place for a crystal.

Neeraj Singh