New Moon in Scorpio

New Moon in Scorpio 04.11.21

A new moon occurs when the sun and earth are on opposite sides of the moon (when the moon is between the earth and sun) meaning that the side of the moon that is in shadow is facing the earth. The idea of shadow, and of the unseen, seems particularly pertinent in relation to this new moon in Scorpio. Hold on, it’s going to get deliciously transformative and very intimate. 

Deep-diving, intense, psychic, controlling and unflinchingly comfortable with hidden realms and radical transformation, Scorpio is often portrayed as not the easiest of signs. Death and rebirth are not the most playful of concepts, but this misses something so very important. Scorpio is totally at home with the hidden, the taboo and the shadow self. Scorpio's natural state is transformation. And when you’re at home with something, it doesn’t necessarily feel heavy and difficult; it feels right. It can be comfortably uncomfortable. It’s also vital to remember that transformation doesn’t have to be hard, which is a very important theme of this new moon. Love is transformative. Joy is transformative. Sex is transformative. Yes, it’s an extremely powerful moment to get spiritually molecular: face our deepest fears, ask ourselves difficult questions and embrace our shadows, but it is also a time to connect to our inner power and wisdom. Scorpio energy is highly creative and very sexual, so tap into these energies too.  

This new moon is exactly opposing Uranus in Taurus. Uranus (currently retrograde in Taurus) represents rebellion and sudden change. Taurus, as an earth sign, represents the creative forces of nature. This aspect may be characterised by a desire to break free of things that don’t fit anymore: things that don’t feel right and natural. This might feel a little tense but it beautifully flows into the long-term growth that the new moon in Scorpio is initiating. Trust is key here. Trust in knowing that we know is right for us, and trust in the process of transformation; trust in all the little deaths that lead us into being our true selves. 

Mars is the mix here too (again). Mars likes to go deep and is very at home in Scorpio (Mars in Scorpio’s traditional ruler). Last month’s full moon in Aries opposing Mars had us looking at how we are showing up in the world. With Mars in Scorpio, attention is on investigating our desires and becoming empowered to make them manifest. What do you really, really want from this life? How can you take action (Mars is all about action) to get it? In Scorpio, these questions about what we really want are not material, they are spiritual. If ever a poem perfectly expressed this idea, it is Raymond Carver’s Late Fragment: 

And did you get what 

you wanted from this life, even so? 

I did. 

And what did you want? 

To call myself beloved, to feel myself 

beloved on the earth.  

If you are looking for a practice to work with during this full moon, then mirror work might be perfect. This practice uses a mirror for meditation and can be intimate, uncomfortable and, ultimately, deeply transformative. The idea behind it is that, as you stare into your own eyes, you begin to learn about your inner thoughts and feelings: you begin to see the real, raw, hidden and vulnerable you.  

As with all meditation practices, find a space that is distraction free. Tune into your breathing. Take a few slow, deep breaths and feel into any areas of tension. Set a timer. Practitioners advise 10 minutes of mirror mediation a day, but maybe start with 5 minutes for your first time. Set a timer. Begin to gaze into your eyes. Notice and observe what comes up. Tara Well, PhD, research scientist, motivational psychologist and associate professor of psychology says:  

 “Gaze at your reflection, staying open to whatever arises. Notice any sensations or emotions that come up and allow them to simply be there without judgment or interpretation. Let your feelings and thoughts simply pass by as you breathe, relax your body, and gaze at yourself with no goal other than to be present with yourself. Notice if your attention becomes very narrow and exacting, and if so, see if you can expand it back to seeing your whole body, your whole self, and notice any emotions on your face. Observe this expansion and contraction of your attention and the thoughts and images that come to mind. Just noticing where your attention goes and any feelings that are associated with it without judgment. Hold a kind intention toward yourself as you do the practice. You may be surprised how much your view of yourself can change over the course of 10 minutes.”  

There is a beautiful supportive aspect on this full moon too. A sweetener, if you will, with Mercury in Libra sextiling Venus in Capricorn. This sextile supports us through heartfelt interactions with loved ones; a counterpoint to the solo deep-diving that this new moon in Scorpio is asking of us. 

Extracts from:

Raymond Carver, All of Us, The Collected Poems, p.294, The Harvill Press London (2003)

Tara Well, Mirror Meditation,

Lynsey Allett