Full Moon in Taurus

full moon in taurus 19.11.21 - 8.57 am

Beaver Moon in Taurus with Partial Lunar Eclipse, November 19th at 8.57am (rising at 3.42 pm on November 18th)

“Be your own sugar daddy!” Grace Jones 

This full moon in Taurus, with a near total lunar eclipse (97.4% of the moon’s diameter will be covered by the earth’s shadow), is a double check in point for everything that has happened over the last six months, and last eighteen months, respectively. On May 11th, we had the new moon in Taurus, which called us to focus in on the rhythms of our lives, and tune in to whether they felt good and authentic. And we also had the last partial lunar eclipse on May 26th. 

Eclipses always happen in solar/lunar pairs. The second eclipse of this season is a solar eclipse happening on December 4th. Eclipses are big deals in the sense they are revelatory; they can bring what is hidden to light. These two are potent because they are part of an overall energetic shift and a new phase for us all. This has to do with the ending of an eighteenth month lunar node cycle, which is shifting from the Gemini/Sagittarius (knowledge/beliefs) axis to the Taurus/Scorpio (true self) axis. Without getting too bogged down in the terminology, let’s get in touch with the energy: this is a time of shedding skin. What has changed since May 2020 for you? And what do you still need to let go of?  

As a side note, the lunar eclipse will begin at 7.18am GMT on Friday 19th November. It will last just over 6 hours, making it the longest partial eclipse in around 500 years. However, in the UK, we will miss the peak of the eclipse (9.02am) as the moon will have already set.

The energy of this moon is Taurus. Taurus is traditionally ruled by Venus, but many astrologers now see Taurus as being co-ruled by the earth and Venus. This makes so much sense in terms of Taurian energy. The earth is the strongest symbol of the present. It is not outside of ourselves; we are interconnected to it and part of it. This full moon invites us to come back to our bodies - after the deep-diving soul antics of the last Scorpio new moon - in a very enjoyable, sensory way.  

Taurus integrates the perceived duality of the concepts of spiritual and material (it traditionally rules the 2nd house of material possessions). Taurus is extremely adept at establishing security and building beautiful homes. Taurian energy is so beautifully safe. And, once you have self-sufficient groundedness - and feel the comfort of safety - then the freedom to connect and experience spiritual and emotional self-sufficiency follows. Taurus is about being; about being whole; about knowing that you have (and can give yourself) everything you need. Channel the material and spiritual sensuality of the bull on this full moon: “be your own sugar daddy!” 

During a Full Moon, the Moon is on the exact opposite side of the Earth from the Sun. This means that, as well as working with the moon’s energy, we are working with the axis formed by this opposition. The Taurus-Scorpio axis is one of death and rebirth; of meeting ourselves completely (Scorpio) and compassionately (Taurus). Forgiveness and kindness are important themes of this full moon.

The moon is trining Pluto in Capricorn, which supports and amplifies the safety vibes of the moon, and assures us that we are safe in transformation Squaring Jupiter in Aquarius is squaring the moon. Jupiter is about expansion and asks to look at what we want to grow and what we want to let go of. 

Mars in Scorpio is opposing Uranus in Taurus, which flows into, and augments, the revelatory eclipse energy. This can be a very playful, child-like energy, which encourages us to let go of the wrong side of the adult narrative, which can be about negative self-talk and over-responsibility (boring). Become child-like. You have permission to be innocent. This part of ourselves is AS valid as the one who goes to work and the one that buys toilet paper. 

So, the take away for this full moon eclipse is that it’s time to see ourselves in a new light. And UNPLUG.  The shadow of Taurus can be about addictions to distract from oneness – of running away from ourselves. Unplug and connect. The perfect practice for this moon is to channel the sitting bull: take some time to just be, and see what happens. You are safe, you are loved, you are enough and buying yourself beautiful things is, in itself, a powerful act of self-love. 

Lynsey Allett