New Moon in Pisces

new moon in pisces 02.03.22 - 5.34 pm

New Moon in Pisces, Wednesday 2nd March, 5.34 PM GMT

“Everything is in constant flux, from state to state, from good to bad and back again…only in transmutation, perpetual motion, lies truth.” Asger Jorn

The zodiac is divided up into twelve signs; Aries being the first, and Pisces being the last. This progression - this culmination – is important in approaching this new moon, as it is very much defined by the concepts of fruition and completion. We talk about new moon as the start of something. On one level, it is the literal beginning of the lunar cycle and, on a psycho-spiritual level, it often heralds the start of a new energetic chapter in our lives. However, a new moon in Pisces is different as it contains an acknowledgment of what we are leaving behind in order to become new. 

Symbolically, Pisces is represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions, representing two distinct states: the past and the future; reality and fantasy. But, because Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac, it is highly evolved; it represents a culmination of all the karmic lessons learnt by all the other signs. So, although Pisces does represent a duality, this energy, in its most evolved state, innately understands that one state does not negate the other. It embodies non-duality: the recognition that underlying the multiplicity and diversity of experience there is a single, infinite and indivisible reality.  

Pisces is associated with the twelfth house and rules soul growth, karma and spirituality. It is universal and expansive. Pisces is co-ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. At its core, Jupiter is the planet of expansion. Neptune is esoteric; it is the planet of mystery. And much like Scorpio, Piscean energy is that of transformation and transmutation. It is about dreams and vision. It is about beautiful watery immersive experience. It is the DMT of the zodiac. 

Jupiter is currently in Pisces (it will be until May 10th 2022), which means all this expansive energy is super-charged and we can work with it with much less resistance. This aspect, which is nearly conjunct the moon, means that change may not just be big; it can also be rapid.  

There is no big work to do with this moon. It is big, yes, but it is also soft and ethereal. And it is inviting us to dream our most authentic and beautiful reality into existence. It is inviting us to relax and pare right to our essence; to trust our souls and step into a space of cleansing and rebirth.  

Venus, Mars and Pluto are all conjunct in Capricorn. Conjunctions can represent the start of a new chapter where the energies of different merge (we discussed the Venus-Mars conjunction at the last full moon). Here we’re seeing an auspicious blending of feminine and masculine energies of Venus and Mars, respectively, and Neptune, which is emblematic of cosmic consciousness. It is THE planet of non-duality, revealing what is possible through dissolution of boundaries.  

What is the best way to work with this new moon in Pisces? Not to “work” at all. All this moon is inviting us to do is to relax; to expand into ourselves. This is an ideal time to really feel into our intuition and into our own mystery and let guide us towards anything we might need to shift.  

Lynsey Allett