The Autumn Equinox and New Moon in Libra: balance

Autmn Equinox and New Moon in libra 25.09.22 - 10.54 PM

The Autumn Equinox (Friday 23rd September) and New Moon in Libra (Sunday 25th September, 10.54 PM) 

This year the autumnal equinox falls on 23rd September, followed two days later by the new moon in Libra. In Latin, equinox means “equal night” and describes the moment – which happens twice a year - when the subsolar point is directly on the equator (the subsolar point here meaning the point at which the sun is perceived to be directly overhead, or at a right angle, to the equator). On this day, we have equilibrium (or as close as we ever get) between light and dark. Libra season begins on the same day and is symbolised by a pair of perfectly balanced equal arm scales. It is an archetype that is associated with relationship and intimacy; equality and harmony. This is THE moment of the year where we can find balance through bringing the (possibly oppositional) forces in our lives into equipoise.

The autumn equinox embodies the energies of both maturation and senescence. The expression of the former is harvest; of gathering in all that has ripened and reached its full growth potential. Autumn leaf senescence – when leaves fall and die – is a developmental stage of leaf cells and one which remobilises, or reappropriates, nutrients. Death here is part of the cycle of life. In our own lives, we can attune to this seasonal shift by both acknowledging what we have achieved/harvested this year, and by letting go of things that no longer serve us in order to be nourished. What goals or intentions have come to fruition? What, of who, are we grateful for? In terms of letting go, the following questions may be useful: what, or who, is draining? Does anything, or anybody, make you feel bad? Is anything, or anybody, holding you back from moving forward? 

The Libran new moon, happening very close to the equinox, deepens this connection with the concept of balance, relationship, otherness and intimacy. Libra begins the second half of the zodiac and occupies the pivot-point between the polarities of Aries (ego) and Pisces (unconscious). In this sense, it is the only sign of the zodiac that inhabits a true position of balance. All other signs occupy a space with a bias towards the these beginning and end signs. It is this unique zodiacal positioning – one that is naturally harmonious – that invites us to engage with the deeper process of balance.

Balance is a process of negotiation in relation to external forces. Libra is defined as the sign of ‘other’ and has an acute sensitivity to relational dynamics. It rules the Seventh House: the house of relational dynamics; the house of partnerships, companionship, soul mates and intimate relationships. This also applies to the relational dynamic we have with ourselves, with our shadow selves, for example, and alter egos. Opposing this new moon is Jupiter in Aries. This beautifully illustrates how seemingly opposing forces can be brought into balance to achieve harmony.  

Aries (I am) and Libra (I understand myself through others) invites us to integrate the learning from both states of being. In fact, it is often only through other people that we experience who we really are. Who we are shifts as we grow and change, but others are the way we truly experience this evolving state of self. Other people show us who we are. During this new moon just notice. Notice what is revealed through interactions with others. Every relationship – big or small, platonic or intimate - has the potential to reveal something of us to us. Libra’s ability to be subjective will really help us to do this. 

But it’s not all observing (yay!). The planetary ruler of the Seventh House, and of Libra, is Venus. The archetypal qualities of Venus are pleasure, sensuality, passion, vulnerability and creativity. Perhaps the most famous Venusian quality of all is the pursuit of beauty. The word ‘pursuit’ is key here. Venus helps us to see beauty, to form powerful romantic/soul connections and to tap into our sensuality. However, Venus is not only love; Venus is also sex, or, the act of love. This new moon invites us to connect with pleasure and acts of pleasure. And, as Libra is the sign of ‘others’ this could get intimate.  

How the work with the energy of the autumn equinox and the new moon? The equinox invites us to get our houses in order: physically, mentally and spiritually. To create space. If you feel called to perform any kind of ritual, smudging - a sage or palo santo burning rite for cleansing and releasing negative energy - is a perfect ‘letting go’ practice (remember to leave the windows open so the energy can be leave).  

Libra is a cardinal air sign. In Ayurvedic terms, the air element is predominant in the autumn. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the lungs are associated with the autumn, so anything involving breath work is ideal, such as alternate nostril breathing. Start with your right thumb on your right nostril and apply pressure to close the nostril. Breathe in using only your left nostril and hold your breath as you switch sides. Release your right thumb and use your right index finger to apply pressure to, and close off, the left nostril, as you exhale through the right nostril. Pause, take another deep breath in, and then alternate again. ANB creates balance in mind and body.

Finally, enjoy. Deeply enjoy. Connect with the deliciously sensual Venusian energy of this new moon. Pursue pleasure; pursue beauty. 

Image credit: Aaron Burden @aaronburden

Lynsey Allett