New Moon in Scorpio Partial Solar Eclipse

New Moon In Scorpio Partial Solar Eclipse 25.10.22 - 11.48 AM

New Moon in Scorpio Partial Solar Eclipse, Tuesday 25th October, 11.48 AM

With this new moon in Scorpio begins our second eclipse season of the year. Eclipse season is an approximate 35-day period where at least two (and possibly three) eclipses will take place. Typically, there are two eclipses in one eclipse season, and two eclipse seasons in one calendar year. This means we generally have at least four eclipses per year. Eclipse seasons repeat in approximately six month cycles.

Eclipse seasons, astrologically speaking, are part of one of many celestial cycles. As they only happen twice a year they are a rarer - and perhaps more magical - rhythm of the cosmos. New moons become solar eclipses, and full moons become lunar eclipses. And all because the moon has reached its orbital, and energetic, boundaries. The last eclipses we had were in Taurus and Scorpio (we had a lunar eclipse in Scorpio last May 15th). The last eclipse season is a really useful check in in point. Have you picked up any habits, work or relationships in this time that you need to release?

“The sign Scorpio can be specifically related to karma because it is during this phase of development that one must honestly face his or her true desires and come to realise the power inherent in them.”

Scorpio, a fixed water sign, and the eighth sign of the zodiac, is concerned with the biggest of themes. Death, transformation, the underworld, rebirth and taboos. This sign is ruled by Pluto, Lord of the Underworld. Pluto is all about transformation and rebirth and doesn’t shy away from necessary destruction if needed. If weak foundations need sweeping away in order to build something more strongly authentic (authentic is a key concept to Scorpio; Scorpios abhor fakeries) he will demolish.

There is something so intensely investigatory, dogged and deep-diving about Scorpio. It is THE sign that is most at home with radical transformation. Meaning, and what is meaningful, are key themes of this new moon. It is inviting to sit and really listen in to ourselves; to come home to ourselves. It is inviting us to tap into a skin-shedding, shape-shifting, raw but healing space. What and who needs to fall away now. With the South Node in Scorpio too (the North Node is currently in Taurus), we are encouraged to own our pain so it doesn’t own us.

Transformation comes in may forms. Scorpio is highly creative and very sexual. “Chinese medicine has a long tradition, going back to the Han Dynasty (206 BC – 220AD), of seeing sex as a spiritual practice and encouraging functional sexuality as a form of healing. This was known as HeQi which literally means “joining energy” and refers to the way, in a good sexual relationship, both partners contribute energy to each other. By doing this the Taoists believed that it was possible to use sex to increase lifespan.” This may be something you want to explore over the new moon and beyond.

The most important aspect of this new moon is a beautiful conjunction of Venus, the sun and the moon, which are all at 2° of Scorpio. Venus represents beauty, love and harmony and here, in the underworld, she is softening the possible extremity of transformation that Scorpio can often be attracted tot ( think Ayahuasca rituals and Vipassana). Venus is making room for surrender, but surrender with less purgatory flavour. How can we understand ourselves from the inside out, shadows and all?

There is a deep watery energy to this new moon. Other great practices to wash away, release and let go could involve water, in whatever form attracts you.

Image credit: Naomi Tamar (Unsplash)

Excerpt from: Astrology, Karma & Transformation, The inner Dimensions of the Birth Chart, Stephen Arroyo, CRCS Publications (1992), p.14

Excerpt from:

Lynsey Allett