Full Harvest Moon in Pisces

Full moon in pisces 10.09.22 - 10.59 am

Full Harvest Moon in Pisces, Saturday 10th September 2022, 10.59 AM *

In the Northern Hemisphere, the Harvest Moon is the name given to the full moon that falls closest to the Autumnal Equinox. For several evenings in a row on and around the Harvest Moon, moonrise will happen soon after sunset, which results in an abundance of bright moonlight early in the evening. This was a source of additional light to farmers and workers harvesting crops grown in the summer. Harvest is the last phase in the growth cycle, and full moons are the last phase of the lunar cycle. This full moon is in Pisces, which is the last sign of the zodiac. This is a moment, or a set of endings, that represents maturation transmuting into dissolution. Of nothing more to do, other than be. Mystical and psychedelic in flavour, this full moon illuminates and melts notions of ‘the self’ as something separate – from others, from the world and from the universe.  

Pisces rules the twelfth house and is ruled by Neptune. The twelfth house is often referred to as the house of karma or karmic liabilities. This is the realm of ego dissolution and collective consciousness. Of what is hidden and what exists without definition or form (Neptune – “dark, cold and whipped by supersonic winds” – is the most distant planet in our solar system and the only one not visible to the naked eye).

Neptune is the planet of the mystics; “it is beyond the fringes of reason or of anything comprehensible to the logical mind...it is beyond boundaries” This Piscean full moon, ruled by Neptune, is about becoming boundary-less; about the experience of merging and of oneness. There is a poetry here. One that speaks of the oceans, the universe and the divine. The universe is constantly expanding, and at a faster rate than scientists’ models predicted. There is something Neptunian about these findings, which have “uncovered some key cosmic ingredients, such as ‘dark energy,’ the mysterious force thought to be driving the universe’s accelerating expansion.”  

In the 1960s, philosopher Alan Watts said “there are certain types of change which are usual enough to be considered characteristic of psychedelics: the sense of slowed or arrested time, and the alteration of ‘ego boundary’— that is, of the sensation of one’s own identity.” If we look back to the new moon in Virgo, we were being called to focus in on the circuitry of ourselves: our hardwiring. The sun is of course still in Virgo – a full moon occurs when the sun and moon are in opposition and therefore inhabiting signs that sit in opposition on the wheel of the zodiac – which creates an energetic axis between Virgo and Pisces. This axis combines the elements of earth (Virgo) and water (Pisces).  

The former is a physical, tangible reality: what is manifest (earth); the latter spiritual and of the divine: dissolution into the whole (water/heaven). This axis invites the questions: what constructed parts of the self can be released and dissolved in order for us to become more integrated and whole? Or as the princess Piscean Rihanna puts it: “Let go of the things that make you feel dead! Life is worth living!” The second question is: how do we ground ourselves in spirituality? Grounding is key to this full moon. This Piscean mysticism allows us to access the higher mind and expanded states of consciousness. However, the shadow side of it can manifest as unhealthy forms escapism.   

Mercury Retrograde, which begins on September 9th in Libra, has an important relationship to this full moon. Mercury retrograde happens every four months and is not something to be feared, as pop-astrology would have us believe. It is a regular, natural cycle. On one level, it invites us to experience things in a less linear, logical way, which amplifies the formless nature of the Piscean/Neptunian vibe of this moon. It’s a time when its beneficial to slow down and listen in to our own wisdom and intuition. Again, this marries beautifully to psychic and intuitive qualities of Pisces. This first part of the Mercury’s - the Messenger’s - retrograde is about relationships: to self and others. What needs to change commitment-wise? What bonds can be dissolved? The second part of Mercury retrograde is in Virgo, which shifts the enquiry into how we serve ourselves and others.  

How to work with the energy of this full moon in Pisces? If we look to the symbolism of Pisces – two fish swimming in opposite directions – and Neptune, Roman god of freshwater and the sea (etymologically speaking meaning “wet” and “moist”) we find our watery cue. As we discussed in last year’s Piscean full moon blog, crying is a hugely transformative act. Crying dissolves and releases emotions. We are changed after it.  

“As a phenomenon that is unique to humans, crying is a natural response to a range of emotions, from deep sadness and grief to extreme happiness and joy. But is crying good for your health? The answer appears to be yes. Medical benefits of crying have been known as far back as the Classical era. Thinkers and physicians of ancient Greece and Rome posited that tears work like a purgative, draining off and purifying us. Today’s psychological thought largely concurs, emphasizing the role of crying as a mechanism that allows us to release stress and emotional pain.”

Emotional tears, distinct from reflex and continuous tears, which can be a response to smoke, for example, actually flush stress hormones out of our system and release oxytocin and endorphins. We can give ourselves emotional space to cry or induce it through music or film. Swimming, taking a bath or showering – visualising the washing away of things we no longer want in our lives – are also potent rituals to engage in during this moon if you feel drawn to. Journaling in a ‘Morning Pages’, stream of consciousness way is also a great practice for this full moon. The idea (from Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way) is to wake up, open your morning journal, and write three pages of stream of consciousness longhand. Letting the words flow from you to the page without the intervention of conscious thought or construction.  

* The phases of the moon are defined by the moon’s position in relation to the earth and sun. They do not take into account the local time in a specific location. So, even though the moon can only be seen at night in any location in the days around full moon, the moment when the moon reaches the full moon position can be at any time of day.


Image credit: NASA, Neptune as seen from Voyager II in 1989

Neptune quote from: https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/neptune/in-depth/ 

Excerpt from: Astrology, Karma & Transformation, The inner Dimensions of the Birth Chart, Stephen Arroyo, CRCS Publications (1992), p.42/43

Universe expansion quote from: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/the-universe-is-expanding-faster-than-it-should-be 

Alan Watts quote from: https://academic.oup.com/nc/article/2017/1/nix016/3916730 

Crying quote from: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/is-crying-good-for-you-2021030122020 

Lynsey Allett