New Moon in Taurus Partial Solar Eclipse

New Moon in Taurus Partial Solar Eclipse 30.04.22 - 9.28 pm

New Moon in Taurus Partial Solar Eclipse, Saturday 30th April – 9.28pm (BST) 

‘Celestial cycles’ is an astronomical term that describes the motion of celestial bodies - the sun, moon and the planets as seen from earth - and also something more. It speaks to the rhythms that make up our universe, from inside our body (circadian) to the patterns and movements of the heavens. Eclipse season is an integral part of these interconnected rhythms and takes place approximately every six months. Think about what was happening for you in November and early December of last year. Solar eclipses occur with the new moon and lunar eclipses with the full moon. Astrologically, the new moon is a time of new beginnings, as is a solar eclipse; each in its own particular way.  

New moons are traditionally referred to as a time to sow seeds and set intentions. Solar eclipses, whilst also representing the start of a new chapter, can see quick, sudden, unexpected change. This is why eclipse season can be a time of bold new stories and skin-shedding. Something not to be feared but embraced. A time of magic and mystery. A time to come alive. 

This eclipse season is beginning in Taurus. Taurus is grounding, nurturing and deeply physical. Many modern astrologers see Taurus as being co-ruled by Venus and the earth; beauty, love (Venus) and home (earth). Taurian energy has the potential to allow us to feel beautifully held and wonderfully safe. And this is part of the work we can do with this new moon and solar eclipse: feel safe in our bodies; feel safe in how we move through the world. The lead up to eclipse season can, potentially, feel a little fraught. Emotions seem bigger and less easy to contain, somehow. A wonderful way to work with this emotional augmentation - and to ultimately process it - is to firstly just notice where the feeling is.  

Most of us have probably experienced bodily sensations relating to an emotion and most of us have probably used figurative language associated with emotions, such as ‘heartache’ and ‘cold feet’. A Finnish study in 2013 called ‘Mapping Emotions in the Body’, set out to heat map where different emotions manifest in our bodies the most.  

The study asked 773 individuals of Swedish, Finnish and Taiwanese descent to map emotion in their bodies in relation to emotional stimulus from words, stories, film and images associated with different “basic” and “complex” emotions. It asked them to record where they felt increasing and decreasing activity in reaction to this stimulus. They did this by colouring the bodily regions on a silhouette of the body, where they felt activity increase or decrease during emotional stimulus. 

The research concluded that emotional signatures in different parts of the body are “culturally universal” and are tied to biological systems, rather than common, cultural figurative language; emotion is experienced in the same places in the body no matter where we’re from and how we express ourselves linguistically.  

“We conclude that emotional feelings are associated with discrete, yet partially overlapping maps of bodily sensations, which could be at the core of the emotional experience. These results thus support models assuming that somatosensation and embodiment play critical roles in emotional processing.” 

So, first notice emotion, name it and then sit with it. Doing this for any amount of time will support the body in processing the emotion. And it doesn’t have to be done for an uncomfortable amount of time. Just what feels right. This kind of work is telling our nervous system that it’s OK. We are allowing our bodies, and all of its systems, to feel safe. 

Along with the sun and the moon, Uranus - the disruptor - is also in Taurus. This is hugely supportive of breaking out of old ways of doing things, and stepping (or leaping) into the new. Because another very important part of this new moon and partial solar eclipse in Taurus is that it is a hugely powerful time for our dreams and desires to become a reality. The sun represents our outer, physical world and eclipses are revelatory. Because this is a solar eclipse, what is hidden can be brought to light; our longings, desires and wishes can become material. This, coupled with the tangible, tactile ‘in the world’ energy of Taurus, means that these dreams we have for our lives can more readily take form and shape. This is also a north node (Taurus) eclipse, which relates to our destiny and soul purpose.  

It is also Beltane on 30th April: a Celtic fire festival honouring the sun; honouring life. A festival celebrating the rhythm and pulses of existence; celebrating the earth and the body. The word 'Beltane' originates from the Celtic God 'Bel' - meaning 'the bright one' - and the Gaelic word 'teine', meaning fire. Together they make 'Bright Fire'. Beltane is all about abundant fertility, which is why it is held at the peak of spring and the beginning of summer.  

At this time in the Northern Hemisphere, earth energies - and sexuality in particular - are at their peak. In the Beltane story, the May Queen and the Green Man reach union of all levels: love, marriage, sex, pregnancy. However, if we look a little further into the story, the May Queen first kills the Green Man and their union only happens when he is reborn; when he has transformed.

This weekend is absolutely loaded with primal potential. A time of transformation, conception and rebirth. An ideal moment in the Wheel of the Year to bring our dreams, ideas, desires hopes and longing into action. It is also very much about fun and creativity. As well as leaping over fires for purification, one of the strongest rites of Beltane is a ‘going a-maying', or having sex. Traditionally, couples spent the night outdoors making love and, in the morning, brought back armfuls of the first May or haw thorn blossoms to decorate their homes and barns.  

How to work with the energy of the new moon, eclipse and Beltane? There is no right and wrong way (as always) to do this. Suggestions are about connection, tuning in and co-creation. Ways to this are: connect to your core self (through meditation, walking in nature, dance) to get in touch with your dreams. Identify them. Name them. Open up to receiving the super-charged energy of the eclipse. Tune into it and see how it feels in your body. And finally, celebrate co-creation, in whatever way feels right. Co-creation is beautiful because it means we don’t have to do everything. It’s an understanding of what our role is, and what the universe’s role is. It’s about working together in perfect harmony. This applies to the combined, synergistic energies of this weekend. Dance with them. And above all, enjoy!

*This partial eclipse is only viewable s visible from southern South America, parts of Antarctica, and over the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Its energy, however, is experienced globally.

 (The study can be found here: Bodily maps of emotions) 



Lynsey Allett