Super Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse

Super Blood moon lunar eclipse 16.05.22 - 5.06 am

Super Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse, May 16th 2022 at 5.06 am (BST) 

A total lunar eclipse happens when: the moon is full and when the moon is at, or near, a lunar node. Astronomically speaking, a lunar node is an orbital node (in astrology we talk about north and south nodes); they are the points at which the orbit of the moon intersects the ecliptic (the sun’s path as perceived from the earth). During a total lunar eclipse, the sun, earth and moon are in a total alignment, with the earth between the sun and moon. The moon becomes red during an eclipse because the only light that reaches its surface is from the very edges of the earth's atmosphere. These atmospheric air molecules scatter out most of the blue light, meaning that the remaining light reflects onto the surface of the moon with a red glow, giving it its ‘Blood Moon’ appearance. This moon's orbit is at its closest (perigee) to earth at the same time it is full, making it a supermoon, which makes it appear larger and brighter and, energetically, feel more potent.

Eclipses are one of many celestial cycles, but are a rarer - and perhaps more magical - rhythm of the cosmos. New moons become solar eclipses, and full moons become lunar eclipses. And all because the moon has reached its orbital, and energetic, boundaries. Eclipses not only amplify the energy of the lunation (new or full) that they ultimately obscure, but also bring something new to the party.

The first eclipse of this season was solar, with a new moon in Taurus (new moons are the start of the lunar cycle, and a time for intention setting). The eclipse flavour of new moon energy, however, doesn’t just initiate; it has the potential to bring about rapid, unexpected and surprising change and new beginnings: it is supercharged birth energy. And Taurus as THE physical sign – of the earth and of the body - is all about bringing things into the world. Of making things manifest and real on the physical plane. This second eclipse in Scorpio is the counterpoint - full moons work on an energetic axis, as the sun and moon inhabit opposite signs at a full moon - to that sensory, bodily and initiatory energy. Think of this eclipse as a doorway to your authentic self; a way to access the hidden, shadow and possibly taboo parts of your inner world. Of the shadow self, Jung said: 

“That which we do not bring to consciousness appears in our lives as fate.” 

Eclipses light up nodal energy or, as they are often described, ‘the nodes of fate.’ Are there hidden parts of ourselves that we can bring into consciousness?  

The lead up to this eclipse may have had us feeling raw and sensitive. Like we’re reliving old pain we thought we’d processed. This renaissance of hurt and trauma is for a reason, though. Eclipses are potent times to cleanse and clear these trapped feelings; to bring them into the light. Because Scorpio’s natural state is transformation it doesn’t want us to hide things forever at the periphery of our psyche, so we never have to face or feel them again. It wants us to purge! Unflinchingly (and sometimes uncomfortably) deep-diving and exploratory, Scorpio wants us to root out these things so we can move on – really move on. An energetic reconnection with past pain leading up to the eclipse may be one way you experience this healing. 

On 10th May, Jupiter (expansive and abundant) moved into Aries, beginning a 12-year new cycle of the planet. Jupiter has the shortest day of any planet in the solar system. One day on Jupiter takes lasts about 10 hours. It makes a complete orbit around the Sun (which is one year in Jovian time) in about 12 Earth years. Aries is all about “I am”, and this transit invites us to look at our lives with the lens of freedom. It’s a different way of investigating who we truly are but, consistent with what the larger question this eclipse is asking. Aries encourages action too (Jupiter is in Aries until 23rd October). To bring those things that may be hidden into the world. 

A beautiful trine of Mars (Scorpio’s ruler) and Neptune (psychic planet of spirituality and intuition) in Pisces fully supports this exploration. Mercury retrograde is also supportive here (and started on 10th May too). This transit, just like an eclipse, is just another celestial rhythm and doesn’t have to be feared. It can be a very receptive, yin time. A time to listen in to ourselves. A time when we may hear something from those hidden parts.  

How to work with the energy of this super blood moon lunar eclipse? Gong baths are a powerful way to experience not only profound relaxation, deep states of meditation and a spiritual journey; they may also offer us a deeper connection to these hidden parts of ourselves. For the best experience of this gong bath soundscape (mixed by Peter Spenceley) we suggest listening through high quality speakers, as opposed to headphones. Wear comfortable clothing and find a supremely comfortable place to lie down in your space (have a blanket to hand, in case you get cold), where you can fully immerse yourself in the experience, and will not be disturbed. Work with the power of this full moon eclipse by not putting any pressure on the experience; just let it happen, without expectation or desired outcome. Afterwards, drink plenty of water.

 This total lunar eclipse is visible from the UK, although it will be low to the horizon. Try to find an unobscured view to the Southwest and West, respectively, for the beginning and maximum eclipse. This information is for London. The true maximum point won’t be visible as the moon is below the horizon at that time.  

02.32 am – Penumbral Eclipse begins 

03.27 am – Partial Eclipse begins. The moon starts to become red. 

04.29 am – Total Eclipse begins. The moon is completely red. 

05.06 am – Maximum in London.  

05.10 am – Moonset. The moon will look dim as it sets because if the eclipse and its low position on the horizon, so may disappear from view before it sets. 

The below timings mark the peak of the eclipse that are not visible for the UK, but maybe experienced energetically:  

05.11 am – Maximum Eclipse  

05.53 am - Total Eclipse ends. 

06.55 am – Partial Eclipse ends 

7.50 am – Penumbral Eclipse ends. 

Lynsey Allett