New Moon in Taurus

New Moon in Taurus 19.05.23 - 4.53 PM (BST)

The new moon is often referred to as the dark moon. A blank canvas of blackness onto which we paint our intentions, dreams and desires. This new moon in Taurus is a little different. For the days preceding and following it, we will be able to see “Da Vincis’s glow” or “earthshine” at its most intense. Earthshine is a natural phenomenon that occurs during the phase of the new moon when sunlight reflects off the earth's surface and illuminates the dark portion of the moon. Although Leonardo da Vinci didn’t discover earthshine, he was the first to decode its cause; providing one of the earliest recorded descriptions of earthshine in his notebooks. In these notes, he described how, during the time on and around a new moon - when the moon appears as a thin crescent - the rest of the lunar surface is faintly visible due to the reflection of sunlight from the earth. He noticed that the illuminated portion of the moon was much brighter than its dark side and deduced that this was because it was lit by earthshine. So, this new moon is not quite a blank canvas. Its “ashen glow” – its earthshine – serves as a reminder of the profound relationship between the earth, moon and sun.

Taurus is explicitly connected to the earth. It is a fixed earth sign ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty and pleasure. As an archetype, Taurus embodies various qualities and themes related to the body and our connection to – and our manifestation in – the physical world, including our relationship to Mother Earth. There is a beautiful simplicity to this sign. One that is concerned with the present and presence. Extremely sensual, Taurus revels in the sensory experiences of touch, taste, smell, and sight. Our senses not only allow us to connect with our environment (the earth) and make sense of the world, but they are also the filter through which we derive immense pleasure from the stimuli that surround us.  

Taurus is not just about how we experience the earth; it is very much about our connection to it. Gaia theory speaks to this idea and offers a profound perspective on the interconnectedness of our planet and the delicate balance that sustains life. Rooted in the concept of the earth as a living organism, Gaia theory proposes that our planet possesses a remarkable ability to self-regulate and maintain a harmonious environment conducive to the flourishing of life. Like a wise and nurturing entity, the earth employs intricate feedback mechanisms and symbiotic relationships to preserve stability. From the intricate dance of photosynthesis to the regulation of atmospheric composition, the earth's systems exemplify a grand symphony of interconnected processes. We are not only connected to the earth; we are the earth.  

A key theme of this new moon is Taurus is ‘we have everything we need’. It is an invitation to feel that; to know that. We have talked about sensorial pleasure and feedback; of interconnectedness and being. Another – yet interconnected – aspect of what Taurus represents is stability and security. Just as the earth provides a solid foundation for life, Taurus seeks material security, financial stability, and a sense of rootedness. We so often perceive the spiritual as something outside ourselves. And as something ethereal and unrooted. Astrologer Moses Siregar III puts it like this: 

“Are we ready to accept that it is spiritual to be grounded, physical, and respectful of the earth? Are we ready to accept that it is spiritual to be fully present to others, but to take care of ourselves first, and to insist on a life that is true to our own hearts' desires? Are we ready to accept that it is spiritual to enjoy the physical realm with all of our senses and with all of our sexuality? Are we ready to accept that it is spiritual to appreciate a simple life, uncluttered with endless desires? If we are ready to accept such a notion of spirituality, then we are ready to undo our conditioning and recognize Taurus as a fundamentally spiritual sign.” 

The sun, moon, Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus and the North Node are all in Taurus during this new moon, amplifying this potent earth energy. Neptune in Pisces and Mars in Cancer are supportively sextiling the moon. A sextile is an aspect that occurs between two planets that are approximately 60 degrees apart. It is a harmonious aspect that facilitates positive and supportive energies between the planets involved, offering opportunities for personal growth and transformation. In terms of this new moon in Taurus, which comes at the end of eclipse season and the end of Taurus season, these sextiles can facilitate the integration of all we have learned over the last weeks. Because of their placement in two water signs, these sextiles are also bringing the element of water to the new Moon in Taurus; a creative, flowing energy. Under these aspects, our intuition is heightened, encouraging us to be receptive over action orientated.  

As mentioned above, Jupiter is now in Taurus. It moved there on May 16th and will stay there for just over a year. This is the first time in 12 years that the planet of expansion has been in Taurus, so it’s a significant energetic shift. Jupiter represents abundance, optimism, wisdom and generosity and can support us expanding into the magic of our lives. In Taurus, it will amplify the themes of sensory delight and connectedness; of stability and the feeling that we have everything we need. Initially, Jupiter in Taurus will form a square with Pluto in Aquarius. Although squares can feel a little tense, they also offer us a lot of insight. This square is asking us to look at the dreams we are not allowing ourselves to dream. A self-censoring, restrictive “that’s not for me” vibe. Notice what you allow and don’t allow.  

How to work with the energy of this new moon in Taurus? It’s deliciously simple. Connect and delight through your senses. Spend time in nature. Be present. Experience pleasure. If you feel called to, nurture the neck area – Taurus specifically rules the cervical vertebrae: a place that can hold so much stress and tension – through massage or yoga. The neck area also includes the larynx and vocal cords, so this new moon is also inviting us to speak our truth in a healthy and supported way. 

 *In the UK, this Sunday (May 21st) is a particularly good time to see “earthshine”. Look to the west around 9 PM (near the time of sunset - but never looking directly at the sun). The moon will appear as a thin crescent with less than 5% of its visible surface illuminated by the sun.

Image credit: Leo Manjarrez on Unsplash

 Moses Siregar III quote taken from his article in The Mountain Astrologer magazine Oct/Nov 2001.


Lynsey Allett