Strawberry Full moon in Sagittarius

Strawberry Full Moon in Sagitarrius 04.06.23 - 4.41 AM

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” Carl G. Jung  

A full moon occurs every 29.5 days when the moon is on the opposite side of the earth from the sun. Lunar phases and the months of the year are inextricably linked; the word 'month' takes its root from the word 'moon'. A month was originally defined as either 29 or 30 days, which is roughly equal to the 29.5-day lunar cycle or ‘synodic month’ (the time between two successive syzygies, such as new moons and full moons). However, some of our calendar months were later padded out with extra days, in order that 12 months would make up a complete solar year of 365 days. The lunar calendar is part of our ancestral time. A natural rhythm – like our heartbeat, or the sunrising each day – and one that speaks to our souls. This full moon in Sagittarius is very much about illuminating what is in our souls.   

Sagittarius – a mutable fire sign represented by the centaur – rules the ninth house of the zodiac, and is often referred to as the house of philosophy and higher learning. There is a definitive quest energy here for the profound and meaningful. Sagittarius is the ultimate explorer; a nomad, journeying towards universal truth and ruled by expansive Jupiter (in both ancient and modern astrology). It is not so much concerned with ego but with the larger cosmic picture. There is something almost psychedelic about Sag energy; a desire to release oneself from the confines of an individuated self and melt into the collective.  

In Jungian psychology, archetypes are universal, primordial patterns or images that exist in the collective unconscious of all individuals. These archetypes shape our thoughts, behaviours and experiences, and are often associated with specific symbols, themes and characteristics. Sagittarius, in this Jungian framework, is often referred to as the god archetype; representing the yearning for meaning, purpose and connection with something greater than ourselves. This archetype embodies the human desire for transcendence – a longing to reach beyond the limitations of the material world and experience a higher state of consciousness or divine union. This moon is calling us to see our essential nature. To experience ourselves in a way that defies definition. Modern society is constantly asking us to define and over-define ourselves. This full moon in Sagittarius is calling us to access the universal and transcendent aspects of our nature.  

Jung believed that archetypes had a dual nature, existing in both the psyche and in the world at large. By working with archetypes, we get to explore new and unknown parts of ourselves. This enables us to consciously enter into a process of co-creation in our lives; shaping who we are from the inside out, with conscious intention. Another quality of this full moon is to illuminate the parts of ourselves that we may think are unlovable or odd. The parts of ourselves that are too hard to love and, therefore, that we are reticent to reveal. This is supported and augmented by a trine taking place between Lillith in Leo (fixed fire) and Chiron in Aries (cardinal fire – with the moon in the mutable sign of Sagittarius). So, not only do we have the illumination of the moon but also the determined, powerful and impulsive light and heat of all three fire signs.   

This combined metaphysical radiance can show us, and connect us with, these parts of our nature that we repress or hide. The concept of Lilith originates from ancient Mesopotamian mythology, where Lilith was described as a mythical figure associated with darkness, sensuality and independence. In astrology, she is often associated with themes of sexuality, power dynamics, rebellion and the expression of the shadow side of the feminine. Lillith in Leo allows us to express, experience and embrace this power. Chiron, another mythical, centaurian figure, is associated with the process of healing and the search for meaning and wholeness. It represents the journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance that arises from embracing from seeing – and healing – our wounds.   

This full moon in Sagittarius, and its trine with Lillith in Leo and Chiron in Aries, are about being our highest, most truthful and authentic self. Weird and all. For, as well as being deep and exploratory, Sagittarian energy is also beautifully hopeful, enthusiastic and optimistic. This energy is hugely supportive when we are tapping into areas where we may feel shame.   

Sabrina Lynn, spiritual teacher and founder of Rewilding for Women, puts it like this: 

“Where is it that feels soulless to you?  

Where can’t you be authentic?  

Where do you not fit in?  

Where do feel like you can’t be the fullness of yourself?  

Where are you saying: ‘This has no soul...I can’t be my true self here.’  

Is there something in your life that’s chewing you up and spitting you out?”   

Another really important celestial alignment to mention in relation to these themes is Jupiter conjunct the North Node from May 31st to June 3rd (the day before the full moon). The North Node is often called the node of fate, karma and destiny. Jupiter is planet of expansion and ruler of Sagittarius (which connects us to this full moon). This conjunction, which is like a cosmic path leading us up to the full moon, is lighting up our intuition, our visionary self and our connection with our soul, and our soul’s purpose.   

How to work with the energy of this full moon in Sagittarius? Sabrina Lynn’s questions are a great place to start, if you feel called to journalling, or just reading them aloud and responding. Other ways to connect are to feel into your intuition – just see what feels right – and the clarity download that this moon is offering us. If hidden and repressed parts of yourself want to come out, then give them compassionate permission to. Embrace, journey with and integrate all of the parts of yourself. Access your potent sexuality; your power. Access your inner weirdo. Access all of you.



Image credit: Tasos Mansour on Unsplash 

Sabrina Lynn quote from @rewildingforwomen on Instagram. Website: Rewilding for Women 

Lynsey Allett