Super Buck Moon in Capricorn

Super buck moon in Capricorn 13.07.22 - 7.37 pm

Super Buck Moon in Capricorn, Wednesday 13th July, 7.37 pm (BST)  

“In art and dream may you proceed with abandon. In life may you proceed with balance and stealth.” Patti Smith (Capricorn extraordinaire)  

This supermoon – or perigee full moon – in Capricorn is the closest to earth of the year. This closeness to earth means that we perceive the moon to be brighter and bigger, particularly if we see it in relation to the horizon. But those are not the only effects felt on the earth. Because of their proximity to this planet, supermoons exert a stronger gravitational force than a regular full moon does. This causes king tides; a much higher tide than usual. An augmented gravitational force can cause bigger tidal ranges and much higher water levels. For us individually, it is an extremely powerful moment of heightened energy, sensitivity and possible turbulence. However, with all this comes increased illumination and opportunities to perceive things about ourselves that we wouldn't usually. Supermoons light up the corners of our inner world and give us crucial insight and information.  

Cardinal Capricorn – the final earth sign - is ruled by Saturn and is often considered to be the most mature of all the signs; embodying authority (both internal and external) and responsibility, and is represented by the archetype of father, external authority figure or elder. Discipline, taking responsibility and setting boundaries are all major themes here. Rather than thinking about this as negative – as constraint – it may be more useful to think about these themes as structure. Capricorn does, after all, rule the skeletal system; our body’s central framework. The thing that gives us shape and definition. In supporting our weight, it allows movement. Without it, we couldn’t stand or walk around. There’s a freedom in this structure: one that manifests as expression and movement in the physical world (all earth signs relate literally to the earth, but also to the body). 

In The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read (and Your Children Will be Glad That You Did), psychologist Philippa Perry says: “What children - and all of us - need is love plus boundaries, not one or the other.” Healthy boundary-setting is in itself an act of love. Perry defines a boundary as “the metaphorical line you draw in the sand that you won’t allow the other to cross. Just beyond that line is your limit and, if your limit is crossed, that’s when you lose your cool and cannot handle your frustration any longer.” One of the most useful things we can do for ourselves, according to Perry, is to “self-define” in relation to boundary-setting. That is, to make them about us - our wants, our needs - and not the other person. This requires really tuning into ourselves; listening deeply to our feelings and working out what we authentically want. During this process, we may find that there are things, or people, we need to release. Redrawing healthy boundaries, and even cutting people out of our lives all together, is one of the most truly loving actions we can take. This supermoon wants us to get very clear about what real, healthy love looks, feels and acts like.

This supermoon trines both Uranus and the North Node in Taurus. A trine is an aspect that is formed when celestial bodies are about 120 degrees apart and is considered to be auspicious and supportive. Uranus is all about swift and sudden change, innovation and discovery. The North Node in Taurus is to do with what is collectively safe and secure, and also how we show up physically in the world (Taurus is an earth sign, and, like Capricorn therefore very much involved with the physical). These trines provide a beautiful counterpoint to Capricorn’s love of stability and the long game; they are supporting us to see, and to understand that, we are safe in change. We are secure in altering the structure of our lives. In fact, reconstructing our life architecture leads to greater self-sovereignty and self-actualisation, which are pivotal Capricorn qualities.

How to work with the energy of this supermoon in Capricorn? The symbol of Capricorn is the sea goat, a mythical aquatic creature, which is half goat and half fish. This makes the energy of Capricorn slightly different to the other earth signs. There is a connection - a physical connection - to both the land and sea. Yes, the goat part of Capricorn energy is driven, tenacious and dogged but the other half - the tail - is more mysterious and deep-diving. What this symbol reveals, when we are thinking about working with this supermoon, is that by grounding ourselves, we can deep-dive into our intuition and most authentic self. That the stability we gain through grounding enables us to access our deepest integrity. How to do this? Grounding can mean a couple of different things. In mindfulness, it means being able to return to the present moment with sustained attention. It can also mean grounding, or earthing, ourselves by having barefoot contact with natural outdoor surfaces, like grass, soil and sand. If you are able, a really powerful way to work with this Capricorn lunar energy is to connect to both water and earth (here water represents Patti Smith's realm of “art and dream” and earth “life”). Meditating on the beach, or by a river, would be ideal. Or listening to the sounds of water while meditating indoors. Ground with earth and deep-dive into the self with water.

Quote from: The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read (and Your Children Will be Glad That You Did), Philippa Perry (Penguin Life, 2019) p.214

Lynsey Allett