New Supermoon in Capricorn

New Supermoon in Capricorn 23.12.22 - 10.16 AM

Super New Moon in Capricorn, December 23rd at 10.16 AM (GMT) 

The distance between the earth and the moon varies because the moon’s orbit is an ellipse, as opposed to a circle. A lunar perigee is the term that describes the moment when the moon is closest to the earth and, when it is at its farthest from us, it is called a lunar apogee. When the perigee happens around a full or new moon, we call it a supermoon. A full supermoon looks bigger and brighter. And supermoons – both full and new – cause king tides, which are especially high spring tides, where water levels become much higher; often causing flooding.  

The physical effects of a supermoon can also be experienced on a spiritual level. They are extremely powerful moments of heightened energy and sensitivity. The good news is that this super new moon in Capricorn is a comforting moon. A moon where we can connect to our sense of home, outside and inside of ourselves (home, and our bodies as our home, are key themes of all earth signs). Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign. The cardinal signs (the four are: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) begin at equinoxes and solstices. They mark the beginning of the seasons and have a strong initiatory energy. 

New moons mark the beginning of the lunar cycle. They represent a moment in time that is pre-creation; a time before things come into being. This is a liminal space where we can dream about the things we want to create internally and externally. In physics this moment – the moment before the Big Bang - is called the initial singularity. “A singularity is by definition no longer part of the regular spacetime and cannot be determined by "where" or "when".” The initial singularity is “thought to have contained all the energy and spacetime of the Universe.” This new moon in Capricorn, more than any other moon of 2022, holds this energy of this pure, potent potential. This is an incredibly powerful time to vision our reality into being. This is THE moment to tap into this well of potential. What do you want to dream into existence? What does the ultimate version of your biggest, most daring life look like? 

Capricorn is represented by the mythical sea goat, who has the tail of a fish and the body of a goat. This mythical, metaphorical creature is key to understanding Capricorn on a deeper level. Elementally-speaking, this sign belongs to earth, but the symbolism of the sea goat speaks to water and earth and, more than that, it speaks to emergence from one state to another. Capricorn is at home in the realms of emotions (water) and the material (earth). However, unlike dreamy Pisces, Capricorn is concerned with structure. Capricorn rules the skeletal system; our body’s central framework. Without it, we couldn’t stand or move. This structure gives us freedom, which manifests as expression and movement in the physical world. So, this moon is inviting us to feel into the structure and shape of our emotions, which ultimately manifest in how we show up in the world. What we think directly influences how we feel and how we behave.  

Emotional Freedom Therapy is useful for understanding the components of emotion and how they begin in the brain and become thoughts and action. “EFT teaches us that the emotions we experience are not limited to how we feel.  The wholesome picture of emotions includes a combination of cognition, bodily experience, limbic/pre-conscious experience, and even action.” Much of the emotion we feel is connected to the sympathetic nervous system. Our sympathetic nervous system is best known for its role in responding to dangerous or stressful situations. If we respond from this place a lot, our lives are shaped by fight or flight. By stress. But if we respond and create from our parasympathetic nervous system (the part of the nervous system that relaxes us by slowing the heart and dilating blood vessels) then we respond and create from a place of calm.  

This moon is all about observing where we’re at – noticing the shape and form of our emotions and where they lead – with an invitation to shift to a place where we can access the potential for creativity - the “initial singularity” energy – as discussed above. Creativity happens when we are at rest. By entering into a relaxed state of being, we can access truly inventive thinking. A state that could lead to the creation of the truly amazing in our lives. This is further supported by a beautiful loving trine (trines are supportive) of Venus in Capricorn with Uranus in Taurus. This trine is curious and full of love for this exploration into self. 

How to access a relaxed, highly creative state? These exercises from yoga trainer Lucas Rockwell work extremely effectively in resetting the vagus nerve, which is the main nerve of our parasympathetic nervous system: 

Initial singularity definition from:

EFT quote taken from The Four Components of Emotion by Josh Marder LMFT: 

Lynsey Allett