New Moon in Virgo

New Moon in Virgo 15.09.23 - 02.39

The new moon is the first phase of the lunar cycle; when the moon is on the same side of the earth as the sun, with its shadow facing towards us. This first, dark phase of the lunar cycle represents pure potent potential and what is yet unwritten. A time of new beginnings. New moons – or dark moons – are a powerful time to connect deeply with ourselves and set intentions for what we want to call into our lives. The sign of Virgo, like the new moon, also represents new beginnings. It has a very strong ‘fresh start’ energy. 

Virgo is a mutable earth sign. Supremely grounded and in tune, this very feminine energy (Virgo is the only zodiac sign represented by a female archetype) speaks to our ancestral connection to the patterns, pulses and rhythms of the earth and how that relationship affects the shape and structure of our lives. It is very much to do with our earthly experience and how we show up day to day. The sign of Virgo has a deep connection to environmentalism. And, being a highly practical sign, asks questions of how our beliefs are showing up in this relationship to the the earth as our home. Are there any practical steps we can take to live a cleaner more planet-aligned life, for example?

Virgo rules the 6th House, relating to routine, health, habits and service. All these things are how we make the internal external; how we create systems, behaviours and habits from what we think and believe. One way to think about this is to look at the way science is beginning to consider the importance of our inner world – emotions, thoughts, identities and beliefs – in shaping our external world. Sustainability science is the study of the dynamic relationship between humans and the environment, particularly focusing on the vulnerability, robustness, resilience, and stability of the coupled human-environment system. It is extremely Virgoan in nature, explicitly interested in the connection and relationship that we have with nature. Sustainability science also explicitly speaks to this relationship between inner and outer worlds. What we feel and believe affects our actions and how we behave to and on the planet.   

James Gustave Speth, cofounder of the Natural Resources Defence Council, puts it like this: 

“I used to think the top environmental problems were biodiversity loss, ecosystem collapse and climate change. I thought with 30 years of good science we could address those problems. But I was wrong. The top environmental problems are selfishness, greed and apathy… And to deal with these we need a spiritual and cultural transformation - and we scientists don’t know how to do that.” 

This new moon is an invitation to look at our inner world – our own belief systems, our patterning – and notice how it is manifesting in (and as) our outer world. Are there outmoded stories we tell ourselves that we need to change? Stories of unworthiness that are an obstacle to us creating the life we deserve? Speth identifies that negative inner worlds ultimately lead to destruction and loss. This new moon is a time to begin our own individual “spiritual and cultural transformation” and translate them into new ways of being – systems, daily habits and routines – that more accurately reflect the healthy, authentic, earthly and divine creatures that we actually are. And think of it from the other way round (because the relationship is a reciprocal not linear one). What practical steps can we take to change our inner worlds? What habits can we cultivate to bring our inner and outer worlds into alignment? And what practical steps can we take to make our dreams manifest in this physical world? Virgo is the bridge between these two realms. 

This transformational potential is hugely supported by a trine between the new moon in Virgo with Uranus; “a force that manifests as sudden changes of life pattern, sudden alterations of consciousness, flashes of insight, and quick bursts of new ideas and conceptions.” This may show up as insights (inner) or unexpected life events (outer). Stay open and receptive and see how this energy unfolds. Mercury (the ruler of Virgo) is also stationing direct the day after the new moon, offering further insights into this relationship between how our daily lives reflect our spirituality. 

How to work with the energy of this new moon in Virgo? Practices which allow us to experience our deep connection and interconnectedness with the earth are extremely powerful. The theory of grounding is that it “affects the living matrix, which is the central connector between living cells. Electrical conductivity exists within the matrix that functions as an immune system defence, similar to antioxidants” We can ground by walking barefoot, or lying on, the earth. Other ways to ground are to release stagnant energy through movement (earth signs have a deep connection to the body); preparing a nourishing meal; deep, rhythmic breathing; meditation; decluttering your space; restorative rest (think Mirari Life eye masks) and play , that is, allowing yourself to explore pleasure and having fun through your mind and body.  

Image credit: USGS on UnSplash

James Gustave Speth quote from: Inside-out sustainability: The neglect of inner worlds

Excerpt on Uranus from: Excerpts from Astrology, Karma & Transformation, The inner Dimensions of the Birth Chart, Stephen Arroyo, CRCS Publications (1992), p.40

Grounding quote: The theory of Grounding

Lynsey Allett