Super Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces - 17.09.24

Eclipse season happens twice a year – approximately every 173 days – and lasts for around 34 days at a time. Eclipses happen because of the unique alignment of the sun, earth and moon, but their relationship to the lunar nodes is what makes them possible, and is what makes them significant in both astronomy and astrology. The lunar nodes are not physical objects; they are mathematical points where the moon's orbit around the earth intersects the earth's orbit around the sun (also known as the ecliptic). There are two nodes: the North Node (ascending node): where the moon moves from south to north of the ecliptic and the South Node (descending node): where the moon moves from north to south of the ecliptic. 

The moon's orbit is tilted about 5° relative to the earth's orbit around the sun. Because of this tilt, the moon usually passes above or below the sun from our perspective on earth, which is why we don't have eclipses every month. Eclipses only occur when the sun, earth and moon align in such a way that the moon crosses the plane of the ecliptic exactly at, or very near, one of these nodal points. There are two main types of eclipses: solar and lunar. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the earth and the sun, obscuring the sun either partially or fully. This happens during a new moon. A lunar eclipse, like this one in Pisces, happens when the earth comes between the sun and the moon, casting a shadow on the moon. This happens during a full moon. This makes eclipse season a natural, but rarer, rhythm of our lives. 

In July of last year, the lunar nodes moved from Taurus (north) and Scorpio (south) into Aries and Libra (the relationship axis), where they will remain until January 2025. The nodal shift of zodiac sign takes around eighteen months, and the complete nodal cycle takes approximately eighteen to nineteen years. In astrology, the nodes are often referred to as the nodes of destiny, with the north node speaking to our future and the south node, to our past and our karma.  

“In your birth chart, the North Node, or head of the dragon, indicates an area of life where you are insatiable. No matter how much you strive and seek and sweat, this hunger is bottomless. It can’t be filled. The South Node is the tail of the dragon: a point of surrender. Here, you purge, renounce, release. Like a bout of food poisoning that cleans you out, this process is necessary, though rarely pleasant. The South Node is one mechanism through which your body, mind and heart self-purify.” Chani Nichols, Astrologer.   

We call the Aries-Libra axis the relationship axis in astrology because it represents two opposing, yet complementary, forces that form the foundation of our relationships: self and others. This axis – itself a relationship – revolves around the balance between individual identity and the dynamics of all our partnerships, intimate, familial and platonic. Eclipses activate this axis. When the North Node is in Aries, there is a collective push to develop more independence and self-reliance, even within relationships. With the South Node in Libra, there may be a need to release unhealthy relational patterns such as people-pleasing, over-compromising or dependency on others for validation.  

Eclipses often bring unexpected events and people back into our lives. Occurrences that shake up our routines and push us toward necessary transformation. They act as cosmic accelerators, triggering sudden changes that we may not have seen coming but that are aligned with our soul’s evolution and purpose. This can manifest in the return of people from the past, such as old friends, lovers or mentors, resurfacing to offer closure or new insights. This is about allowing us to face the unresolved. These surprise events may feel disruptive but are ultimately meant to guide us towards growth and greater alignment with our true path. What karmic relationships, or relationship patterns, are coming to a close? Are you holding onto to someone or a way of being that no longer serves you? Think about balance in your life. Are you either overly independent in a way that makes it difficult for you to let love in, or over-focused on your relationship?  

During a full moon, we are also work with an axis of energy, as a full moon is an opposition between the moon and sun. During this full moon, the moon (inner) is in Pisces, and the sun (outer) in Virgo. This eclipse is bringing our inner world to light. Inviting us to go deep into the hidden and to engage with shadow work, particularly exploring the golden shadow, which refers to the hidden, positive aspects of ourselves we may have repressed. Pisces is deeply connected to spirituality, intuition and emotional fluidity. It invites us to dive into the unconscious and confront the parts of our psyche that we often overlook or deny, including our untapped potential, creativity and compassion.  

During a lunar eclipse, energies culminate and hidden truths surface, making it an ideal time to integrate the golden shadow: our brilliance, talent, and higher potential; the hidden gifts that we've either projected onto others or left dormant, due to fear or self-doubt. Eclipses act as a cosmic mirror, reflecting the need to reclaim these gifts and align with our deeper spiritual purpose. Virgo here invites us embody all of this in our day to day; to live our divinity in our daily lives. 

This moon is conjunct Neptune, the ruling of Pisces. Neptune is a slow-moving outer planet, so its energy is felt across generations as it stays in one sign for about 14 years. Neptune has been in Pisces since 2011 and will remain there until around 2026. After that, Neptune will move into Aries, where it will remain from 2025 to 2039. Neptune rules the 12th House of the Unconscious and has the tendency to dissolve boundaries and blur clarity. Themes of spiritual awakening, compassion and escapism (the shadow of Neptune) may be heightened during this moon. If we are mindful about the shadow – the need to escape through drugs, drink, Netflix – during this full moon, we have the potential to open doors to profound inner healing and spiritual insight.  

How to work with the energy of this full supermoon partial lunar eclipse in Pisces? The insights will come, if we allow them to. We don’t need to do anything other than become receptive. Giving yourself time and space to do this during this potent moment is key. Withdraw as much as you can for as long as you can, even this is just an hour or two. Switch off your phone. Have a sacred bath using botanicals, essential oils and focused intention. Have a full moon swim. Water rituals are powerful under this moon. This is the Pisces. Also take time to ground after this. Bring your insights into the world. Embody the spiritual. Burning frankincense is great for this. Walking in nature. Concentrating on your heartbeat –the physical –is powerful too. 

Image credit : Annie Spratt on UnSplash

Chani Nicholas quote from here

Lynsey Allett