Full Moon in Capricorn

Full moon in capricorn, 03.07.23 - 12.38 PM

During a full moon the sun, earth, and moon align in such a way that the moon is fully illuminated, reflecting sunlight back to earth. This alignment – this peak illumination – means that we see the moon as a complete and radiant circle in our night sky. Energetically, it is a time of climax; of both reflecting on the pleasure of the journey we have taken during the last lunar cycle (around 29.5 days) and also releasing anything that is no longer serving us.  

At the time of a full moon, the sun and moon are positioned on opposite sides of the zodiac, creating an interplay between their energies. A full moon is always an astrological opposition – with the sun in the current sun sign of the season and the moon in the opposite sign to this – meaning we experience a dynamic and potent axis of energies. The sun represents our conscious self, vitality and ego, while the moon represents our inner, emotional landscape, intuition and subconscious. The opposition aspect between the sun and the moon during a full moon highlights the contrast between these two celestial bodies and their symbolic representations. The axis metaphorically signifies a line of energy or influence that runs between these signs, creating a connection and allowing for a synthesis of their energies.  

This full moon is in Capricorn, opposing the sun in Cancer, and is all about integration. Capricorn, represented by the mythical sea goat, possesses a unique and profound connection to the depths of understanding. With its fish tail and goat body, the sea goat symbolises a transformative journey from one state to another; a symbolism that holds the key to comprehending Capricorn's essence. While Capricorn is associated with the element of earth, the sea goat's representation encompasses both water and earth, signifying the emergence of profound emotional and material realms. 

Unlike the dreamy and imaginative Pisces (the true fish of the zodiac), Capricorn's focus lies in establishing structure (it Is ruled by Saturn, which, in turn, rules the base structure of everything). It governs the skeletal system, the framework that supports our bodies and grants us the freedom to stand and move, giving us physical agency in the world. What's really significant about Capricorn is that it highlights what we do with that agency; what we do with our own form. Do we use our skeletal system to shuffle to work and do something we don’t like, day in and day out? Or do we use that form to dance or make love? Moreover, Capricorn’s connection to water (the sea in the sea goat) invites us to explore the shape and structure of our emotions and how they influence our feelings and behaviours; how they influence what our physical body is doing in the world.  

By delving into the core of our emotions, we can gain insight into the structure that underlies our experiences and influences our actions - and how we manifest ourselves in our surroundings. This access to our inner landscape is hugely augmented by the sun’s position in intuitive, sensitive and emotional Cancer (ruled by the moon). This opposition between the moon and the sun – between Capricorn and Cancer – allows us to move fluidly between the watery depths of our emotional core and the material manifestation of our being. The key here is that Capricorn is at home in both states. It is myth and material. It is deep and practical. It is water and earth.  

One way to think about the structure of emotions, and the relationship between Capricorn and Cancer (polar zodiac signs), is to look at the structure of water. Water, chemically represented as H2O, has a molecular structure composed of two hydrogen (H) atoms covalently bonded to one oxygen (O) atom. This arrangement forms a bent or V-shaped molecule with an angle of approximately 104.5 degrees. Water is a polar molecule, with the oxygen atom carrying a partial negative charge and the hydrogen atoms carrying partial positive charges. The polarity of water allows for the formation of hydrogen bonds between neighboring water molecules. These hydrogen bonds contribute to water's cohesive properties, high surface tension, and ability to act as a solvent. Additionally, water exhibits unique characteristics such as a high specific heat capacity, density anomaly, and the ability to exist in solid, liquid and gas phases within a range of temperatures conducive to life on earth. 

Our physical bodies experience the flow of water, when we swim or bathe or shower. But, underneath the flow, there is structure; structure and polarity. So, through this axis we can tap in to our inner structure and polarity. This investigation is further supported by a sextile between the moon and Saturn in Pisces. As mentioned above, Saturn (ruler of Capricorn) is structure and Pisces is water, flow and intuition. Ways of exploring these ideas might include:  

Understanding emotional patterns: By exploring the shape and structure of our emotions, we can identify recurring emotional patterns in our lives. This includes recognizing the situations, thoughts, or external stimuli that evoke specific emotions within us. Understanding these patterns allows us to gain insight into the origins of our emotions and develop a greater awareness of our emotional responses. 

Identifying emotional triggers: Emotions often arise in response to specific triggers. These triggers can be external events, situations, interactions or internal thoughts and beliefs. By looking more deeply into our emotional core, we can identify the triggers that lead to certain emotional states. This awareness can empower us to recognise and manage our emotional reactions more effectively, as we become conscious of the factors that influence our emotional landscape.  

Uncovering underlying beliefs and conditioning: Our emotions are closely tied to our beliefs, values and past experiences. By exploring our own patterning, we can uncover the underlying beliefs and conditioning that contribute to the way we feel, respond and act (the acting out is the way our physical form responds to the structure of our emotions). This self-reflection may help us to recognise any limiting or distorted beliefs, which influence our emotional experiences. By challenging and reframing these beliefs, we can reshape our emotional responses and cultivate more positive and empowering emotional states.  

How to work with the energy of this full moon in Capricorn? This union between water and earth, emotions and structure, offers us a profound opportunity for self-reflection and growth. By exploring the interplay between our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours, we can shape a more intentional and authentic existence. The core mantra of this integrative moon is ‘who am I really?’, wherever I am and whomever I’m with (whether I’m fish or goat; on the sea or on the land)? What is my essence? And what parts – parts that I have gathered from existing on the material plane – are no longer authentic to my experience as it is now? What performative parts of myself can I release to this moon?

With these musings in mind, if you can, experience the land and the sea this full moon; earth and water. Experience your belonging and pleasure in both. Experince the joy and delight of your physical form and everything contained within.

Image credit: imen on UnSplash

Lynsey Allett